Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find everything you need to know about Y Live. If the FAQs do not answer your question, or if you need additional support, please email us.


Y Live

Y Live is an online research community created by Yonder.

The Yonder Group is formed of Yonder Consulting, Yonder Data Solutions and Y Live. Yonder is a business consultancy that blends insight, strategy and imagination to unlock opportunity and deliver customer-driven business success. Yonder Data Solutions is a trusted fieldwork and data collection company.

Members of the Y Live panel can earn money in return for completing online surveys.

If you're a UK resident aged 16 or over and are not employed by or otherwise affiliated with Yonder, you can register to join the Y Live Panel. Your personal details are completely confidential and will never be passed to any third party (see 'What is the information used for?' for more information).

You will need to register to join Y Live. For more details on joining Y Live, see 'How do I register?'

When you become a member of Y Live, we will send you instructions on how to get started with completing surveys online. As you complete surveys, you will earn points which equate to money. You will also be asked to provide your payment preference - you will either receive payment through bank transfer or by cheque.


Simply click become a member and follow the on screen instructions. The registration process is easy and will only take a few minutes to complete.

Completing the registration process informs us that you have "opted-in" to receive emails regarding upcoming surveys.

Registration is free! Y Live does not charge members for joining, and there are NO annual membership or administration fees.


Participation in Y Live surveys is entirely voluntary. You can complete as many or as few surveys as you want, although the more times you take part, the more money you can earn.

You can participate in as many of the surveys we send you as you like, whenever you like - provided you are eligible to participate. Each survey can only be completed once.

Please note that different surveys run for different lengths of time, so it's best to participate early to avoid disappointment. Once a survey is closed and enough people with a certain profile have completed the survey, you will not be able to participate in the survey.

There is no set amount of surveys you receive in any given time period. Suitable panellists are selected at random , so you may receive many surveys in quick succession, or you may go a while without receiving one.

In order to ensure that you give careful consideration to each question before answering, we have added quality control checks to all of our surveys.

Points are not accredited to your accounts if your answers are illogical or if a minimum amount of time has not been spent on answering the survey. These inbuilt quality control questions appear on every survey and are administered to everyone equally.

If you can't access a survey for any reason (e.g. you are getting security warnings from your browser, or are being asked for authentification information), then try pasting the survey link directly into your browser.

If that doesn't help, then please send us an email stating which browser you were using and a copy of the link you were trying to access.

All surveys are conducted under the ESOMAR Code of Conduct. Survey results are used for research purposes only, and you will never receive any communication from third party organisations. Results are only ever presented as average scores e.g. 8 / 10 people in the UK are happy with their current job. (See "What happens to my answers?").

Your answers will be pooled with all the other responses to the survey and analysed as average scores. Often, these results are published in the national press or reported on current affairs programmes.

The amount of time it will take to complete a survey can vary as each questionnaire may contain a different number of questions and you may find some surveys easier to answer than others. That said, you will be paid for the time you spend participating in the survey.

There are many benefits to paid surveys, including:

  • You can earn money in your spare time
  • Surveys are typically quick and easy to complete
  • You decide which surveys you want to respond to at a time that suits you
  • From expressing your views on products and services to sharing your thoughts on political matters, you can make your opinion count
  • They can be interesting to take part in - here at Y Live, we aim to make our surveys as varied and engaging as possible.

You will be able to decide which surveys you take part in and can complete as many as you wish. The more surveys you complete, the more money you will get paid. When participating in a survey, remember to provide honest answers and try to take an appropriate amount of time on the questions (i.e. make sure you take the time to read and fully understand the question). Here at Y Live, we want to ensure that our surveys are as reliable as possible, so we have quality control measures in place. For example, if an insufficient amount of time has been spent completing the survey, points will not be rewarded.


How much you’re paid for responding to a survey will be dependent on how much time it takes you to complete it. Here at Y Live, we typically pay members £1 for every 5 minutes they spend answering the questions provided. That said, it’s essential that you take an appropriate amount of time to provide your answers in full and to the best of your ability.

Once you have accumulated 50 points we will pay you £50 at the next payment date. Thereafter, with each 50 points you accumulate we will make a further payment of £50.

Payment dates: Please note that payment will only be made when your account has reached a minimum of £50.

The payment process works as follows:

If on the 29th of September your account shows £48 and on the 3rd of October your account shows £53, your payout of £50 will be actioned at the beginning of November and paid to you within two weeks of the date actioned.

Please also note that your reward account will only be credited with points earned on a survey once that survey is closed. This might be after as little as 1 day, or as long as 3 months, as different surveys run for different lengths of time.

There are two modes of payment – you must choose only one of these at any given time.

  1. By bank transfer (BACS) – for this we utilize Hyperwallet payment services to deliver payments to you (the bank account must be in your name). Such payment services are subject to Hyperwallet Terms and Conditions and the Hyperwallet Privacy Policy, and you will need to provide your bank details to them. Please note Y Live will not have access to your bank details, however these will be linked to your Y Live account. This method is much quicker than receiving cheques and the payment should be in your account within the first 5-10 days from the points being deducted from your Y Live account. This payment method is only available for members who are 18 years old and over.
  2. By cheque – this will normally take 10-14 days to process from the time the points are deducted from your account. You do not need to provide your bank details and the cheque will be posted to the postal address you provided on your Y Live account.

Prize draws

Y Live members who have screened out of a survey - either as a consequence of the survey having already fulfilled its requirement for a similar participant profile, or for simply not meeting the eligibility criteria for a particular survey - will be automatically enrolled into the monthly prize draw. Entry into the monthly prize draw is not granted to those who screen out of surveys having failed one of the inbuilt quality control checks.

You do not need to enter the monthly prize draw. The winner is picked at random each month.

There will be one £250 prize each month.

The prize draw will take place in the first week of each calendar month.

Winners will be notified via email, and the names of the winners will also be posted on the Y Live website. Winners will receive their prize within 4 weeks of the draw taking place - either by cheque or by bank transfer, BACS (if you have provided your bank details to our partners, Hyperwallet, and agreed to their Terms of Service and the Hyperwallet Privacy Policy).